Thursday 14 October 2010

Its kinda funny!

This dude got fired after this DAYTIME show was aired in Austrailia. Shame his laugh is hilarious!! He doesnt give a shit!!!!


Myself and James have been obsessed by this girl for a while now..... and would like to create a small following to share our obsession (not creepy or anything). So heres a video of her looking DIRTY!! This vid is HARD to find!!

Saturday 9 October 2010


I have just beaten Mr James Whitbread on Fifa11.


Chris Miles

Tuesday 3 August 2010

Sunday 27 June 2010

You are rubber. I am glue!!!

The World Cup is over for England, but being a little late on the uptake on this post as i was at Download Festival 2010, i missed the England v U.S.A i know this has nothing to do with the football, but heres a picture and gallery of Katy Perry looking hot as ever!

Thursday 20 May 2010


I smile every time i see this...not because he gets a little embarrassed and has a laugh at himself, no.... because half way through i enter my own world where he slips his head into the gap and the revolving door takes it clean off!

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Strip Search Me Up!!!

After my small rant on the subject of short, useless police officers a few months ago, you'd be pleased to know that the government have contacted me and are now introducing a new uniform to promote sexy ass police women!!

Of course I joke. No one actually reads this anyway, let alone Gordan Brown! This is in fact Karen Gillan who plays Amy Pond the new Doctor Who girl. Don’t get me wrong, Billie Piper is hot but that factor didn’t effect my viewing decision. Could this tactic of a hot redhead cause me to tune in?? No, but I’ll tell all of our 3 readers... Maybe they will.

Wednesday 17 February 2010

Top 5 Stories of 2009

5.Katy Perry
She's annoying, looks like a sex doll and her music's shit, but if your a girl with double D's, i'd let you put your cigarette out on me.

4.Chris Brown wanted a sammich!!

Theres nothing funny about a girl with two black eyes... she's been told twice, she just does'nt understand- Jimmy Carr

3.Wacko Jacko cashed it in.
The King of Pop passed away this year. Karma's a funny thing, so is the amount of drugs that where found in his blood stream on autopsy. The dude was high!!

2.Insert Tiger Woods Pun Here

Tiger Woods is an asshole, which everyone already knew, but he topped it off last year by banging 8 women behind his wifes back (no she wasn't in the same room!), two of which were pornstars! One thing i have to say is the dude has great taste! And is obviously a boob man! Jealous much??

1.R.I.P Jade Goody

I'd never wish for anyone to get cancer, but if you're guna sleep around at a young age and decline medical advice, then unfortunately you'll get it.....and get it she got....Remember girls "A pap smear, per year!!"

Sunday 14 February 2010

You've grown up!!!

I was watching the first series of E.R this week. Whilst watching i browsed through IMDB and came across Yvonne Zima. She played Rachel Greene, Mark Greene's 6 year old daughter. I Googled her to see what she was doing nowadays and BAMB!!!!

Oestrogen Rocks!!

My introduction to Cosplay

Im no nerd(james is a little), im not a fan of Dungeons and Dragons and i dont jack to Hentai (cartoon porn) But babes dressed as cartoon characters??? HELLOOOOOO! This is the artistic phenomenon that is Cosplay. Cosplay is short for Costume Play. This is where you attend an event donning a costume of a character or idea and have fun(looking at boobs). Now before you take the piss and hurl abuse check out the girls!!!

HUGE Babe'ish

I discovered Amazon Eve on a weird blogging site and my first thought was "what would it be like?". The girl is 6 foot 8, has an insane body and towers over your average model...but then i saw her face... that's what a boost in testosterone will do to a gir. A real shame. But it would still be interesting!!

Employee of the Month

I've just sent my application off..........ladies.

Friday 5 February 2010

She's a Princess

When Anne Hathaway isn’t dressed like a middle aged librarian, she occasionally tries her hand at acting and by and large she does a great job. What makes her so appealing by both men and women is her non-threatening, butter-wouldn’t-melt persona; ask any women- they simply adore her and her classic, natural beauty has the men tuning in every time.
Starting her acting career appearing in low budget films and television programs, only in the last five years has she risen to stardom by staring in such films as Brokeback Mountain, in a role that further displayed her development as a dramatic actor and comedy hit The Devil Wears Prada co-starring Meryl Streep. Anne Hathaway was also originally casted for the lead role in Knocked Up, but dropped out before filming due to the dispute with director Judd Apatow, that the live delivery scene was “unnecessary to the story”.

This month she’s appearing in GQ magazine bearing an in-depth insight into to the life of the young actress, together with a vintage photo shoot. She looks amazing! Check it out

Tuesday 2 February 2010

I can't stop looking at it!

James Whitbread needs laser vision!

Monday 1 February 2010

Justin Bieber.

Its no secret, 15 year old Justin Bieber has it all. He’s talented, young, handsome and has a great voice. So why you ask, do I hate everything about him??

1. He’s young- A 15 year old boy should be out playing with friends, grazing knee’s and learning the ways of life. Not in a studio singing about girls and being in love.

2. He’s handsome and talented- Human beings are envious. At 15 I was small, chubby and extremely under developed. I fucking hate the kid.

If you don't know who Jusine Bieber is, he was discovered on Youtube and signed to Island Records. The record label has been associated with the likes of Usher and Justin Timberlake. So you can expect huge things from him. It’s been a huge year for the young artist, but I believe he’s been exposed to the world too early. The public are great critics and find it difficult to accept a boy, when half the songs on his album are about love and loss. At the tender age of 15 he obviously hasn’t been in love and is singing songs being given to him by various writers aimed at teenage girls.

Would it be wrong to punch him in his smug, little face? A little. Would I do it anyway......God yes!!

Thursday 28 January 2010

It all comes down to money.

I(Chris) have always found Peter Andre bearable. He's a harmless bloke just trying to make a living and was badly treated in the recent break-up with Katie Price. He's obviously a great father and dealt with the divorce very well, which was admirable. He said from day one that he would never divulge details about the marriage and that's what made him so genuine.

Ten minutes ago I saw him on an advert for the News of the World, spilling all the details...What a wanker.

Sunday 24 January 2010

Bit of a weird post tonight

The recent expected terror attacks have put the British public on edge. Many conversations this week with friends have started with this very subject. "Have you heard about the terror attacks?" I, of course have, as it’s been on every news channel, newspaper and toilet door since it was first reported.
The reason being, the British public haven’t had much faith in their government since the 7/7 bombings and the Stockwell Shooting's, and are worried that the government are unable to prevent these "incoming" attacks. But I, unlike many, do. I've read a lot about anti-terrorism and have a keen interest in how the government protects our country. And have total confidence that when "the shit hits the fan" they'll do their job, keep us safe and we'll be totally unaware of what's happening.
There’s a lot we don’t know about the measures our government goes too, to monitor terrorist activity. So I say this, have faith in our country, because worrying about it won't change a thing.


Just a quicky

Journey’s 80’s classic Don’t Stop Believing is in the charts this week. The reason being it was performed on American, high school, musical show Glee. I remember when people used to discover music on their own.

Saturday 23 January 2010

Happy Birthday Django Reinhardt

A century has past since the birth of influential guitarist Django Reinhardt.
If you play guitar, you should have heard of him, if not, I urge you to check him out!

Friday 22 January 2010

Monday 18 January 2010

Babe of the Week- Jennifer Aniston

Well the Golden Globes where on lastnight,yawn! I(Chris) watched it at x32 speed on sky+. Ricky Gervais was good though! Stupid Americans didn't get some of his jokes, by hey whats new. While searching for a topical Babe of the Week, a 5 second pan of Jennifer Aniston was all it took. Still looks suoer hot at 40.

Sunday 17 January 2010

Holy Crap!!!!!!!!!!!

I(Chris) came across Dhoom on Sunday night. A Bollywood film staring Aishwarya Rai and wondered if there are any hot Bollywood actresses. After 10 minutes of searching i found this.

And this...

Funny how things always lead to boobs.

Saturday 16 January 2010

I'm a PC and i'm fucking useless.

In the news this week was Robin Porta, a police officer from Devon and Cornwall police force. He looks like your average policeman, stocky; because apparently you don't need a fitness test to join the force nowadays. Only until he stands next to your average man, does it become apparent that he is ridiculously short! 5 foot to be precise. At the beginning of the 90's the height requirement of 5ft10 was abolished. Does anyone else find this strange how there's no apparent difference between a tall and short police officer and their ability to control situations. I believe its only going to antagonise the criminals, yobs and drunks. But if you are worried about the little trooper, be aware he knows martial arts! Which is so useful when chasing a criminal on foot and need to vault a garden fence.

But i ask you, "could the police possibly employ anyone shorter than this terrible excuse for a bobby??" ...yes and she goes by the name of WPC Sue Day, who at 4ft10 is the countries smallest police officer. I'm not sexist, but I don't see the point in the WPC (ladies, i love you, but you have no place in the police force, the only time you should bear a police uniform is in the bedroom.) But this really does sum the British police force up. They aren't serious about fighting crime and controlling our streets. Now im not going to compare the trouble we have in the UK with that of the US but the United States police are hardened crime fighters, who do their job and take no risks, to sum it up "they don't fuck about". Over here the police have been seen to have a weakness and the criminals and even the general public are exploiting it.
As i don't believe these two police officer deserve publicity on my site(but have written a whole post on it....shush u!!), here are the links on their articles

Rant over
Love Chris

Friday 15 January 2010

Underworld - Born Slippy NUXX

Just watched Trainspotting,remembered how epic this tune is.

Monday 11 January 2010

Celebrity Big Brother- The death of reality television? By C.Miles

"Celebrity" Big Brother has graced our screens once more. The word Celebrity being sandwiched between HUGE quotation marks. But we must commend Channel4 for one thing. Managing to round up 10 celebrities willing to appear on their show. Name a British celebrity from the last 10 years and there's a 90% chance that they will have appeared on some kind of reality show.

This years "known" celebrities consist of Basshunter who is "famous" not only for his stupidly catchy dance tracks, but for his attempted production of his own porn film. Sisqo who is vividly remembered for having a number 3 hit with the tasteful Thong Song and Vinnie Jones who was reportedly coerced into signing on the dotted line, with a £500,000 pay check.
As the public enjoy drama, there was expected tension in the house between Dane Bowers and Alex Reid because of their apparent "dislike" towards each other and the issue of them having been involved with paparazzi favourite Katie Price.
But the only "celebrity" that is vaguely interesting is Heidi Fleiss. The reason being she's actually led a colourful life. She ran an extremely successful yet illegal prostitution ring in Hollywood, and reportedly had numerous famous, wealthy clients that she has, till this day refused to name.

Big Brother has rather a bad reputation and this is the main reason proper celebrities are reluctant to appear on the reality show. They aren't willing to risk destroying their careers, as so many celebs have previously done.
If you were to compare the above names with that of the first Celebrity Big Brother, they would all be labelled C-Lister's. The only difference being that back in 2001 the celebrities that where on the show were working for charity. This year the contestants are paid huge sums for, let’s face it, very little work. This of which Heidi Fleiss is very familiar with.

Watching human beings regress can be quite mesmerizing, but reality shows shouldn’t be confused with real drama. We’re not gaining any insight into people’s characters or discovering a truth about them or the world we live in. Instead we’re just left with the illusion that we have. Reality shows now occupy the space in the television schedule that should be filled with gripping, well-written drama. For that reason, the fact that this is the last series of Big Brother is a definite cause of celebration.

Sunday 10 January 2010

Babe of the Week- Kaley Cuoco

The new series of The Big Bang Theory has started. This being the main reason i watch it. And a lesbo friend (Check out her blog!) kinda demanded she'd be this weeks Babe of the Week. Check out her blog . Never fuck with a lesbian :P

Friday 8 January 2010

No!!! They're not the same person!!!!!!

I (Chris,again) like the other 6,692,030,278 people on this planet(minus the 5-10 year old american girls) am not the biggest fan of Myley Cyrus. The reasons being, she's WAY to confident, she has mind altering powers and she took those horrific "Myspace","look up at the camera style" pictures of herself and posted them on the net. I'm also an avid Radiohead fan. If you havn't heard the story of Radiohead v Myle Cyrus follow the link. Now for those of you who have been affected by her Dr Xavier style powers, i have a solution... Amanda Bynes. She's WAY hotter than our afore metioned celebrity", with decent chompers. Shes a little less "in your face" and she's legal! Shes also just done a photoshoot for february's Maxim, looking HOT! check the link. Ok, they've all been in their fair share of shit movies/shows and literally had the same showbiz upbringing, but somewhere along the way Miley Cyrus took a shot of ego juice and never looked back. Don't hate but i've seen a little clip(the length of which was 117mins)of the musical remake Hairspray, where Amanda Bynes plays Penny Pingleton. She does a good job and as musical characters go, she was ok.
So, for the people who do like Myley Cyrus but arn't quite sure why, Google Amanda Byrnes and enjoy! Sort of rhymed. I rock!

Thursday 7 January 2010

The Curse of the Strangly Attractive Women

James' Strangly Attractive Women- Top 5

5. Carrie Anne Moss - Dominatrix? I really don't know what it is but she has just got that "I would rule your world" kind of look.

4. Jada Pinkett Smith - Another matrix appearance, not obviously attractive but she is got that damn good look about her!

3. Vera Farmiga - Sex! See her in the departed? of course you have, I bet you didn't stop checking her out! possibly the first time youv'e ever looked at a girl wearing a harvard t-shirt and thought actually i would, as opposed to the usual, "sooo.. what sort of sticky tape do you use to hide you package?"

2. Billie Piper - Doctor who companion, looks a bit chavy but she has got that whole strangly attractive at all times feeling going on! and who says theres nothing atractive about a caricature, apologies for the lack of bottom half in the picture, she was actually sat on a dodgems but i couldn't fit it in.

1. Lady Gaga - She is clearly not a bloke, I'm not saying shes obviously a woman but in all her videos she has got that whole weird attractiveness dancing moves on the go!

Im Devistated!!

It was a thursday and i(chris) was bored youtubing, i came across a video spoof of Bob Ross created by robio007. It was ok. Then i decided to youtube Bob Ross himself, the guy was amazing. I remember when i was younger and had a sick day, i always without fail watched The Joy of Painting. His works of art where incredible and have never seen anyone do it with such ease. After i'd watched a few clips i decided to Google him. And was sad to find out that he'd passed away in 1995 of lymphoma, aged 52. I was devistated! The guy was a legend, not only was he a genius, with immense talent, but he also shared his tips and skills to other budding, upcoming artists. This is one, of very few serious blogs and thought i owed it to the man that for years had me mesmerized in front of the t.v. So heres to Bob Ross, good guy, great artist. A belated RIP.

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Where did it all go wrong???

It was a Wednesday night in, I (Chris)was flicking though the channels when i came across E4, on this channel was a film called Mean Girls, and in this film there was a smoking hottie star, who went by the name of Lindsay Lohan. She had it all; legs,boobs,red hair (for those who discard reds can go fuck themselves!), and that sweet, care free persona.

Then the year 2006 rolled around and everything changed. You know what they say, when you get older your taste buds diminish and you crave spicy, bitter foods. Well her taste buds had a mare and developed a taste for cocaine and vagina! So i hear you ask "what does Lindsay Lohan do now??" well your guess is as good as mine, lets agree that she does fuck all. The last movie i saw her in was
The Holiday and that was a cameo. The only time i see her now, is falling out of clubs absolutely wankered, a quick glimpse of Betty and Margaret (her nipples) or on one of those lame Top 50 Most , Outrageous, Pointless, Whore'ish Celebrity programs on MTV. Since she's changed her ways its been nothing but car accidents, DUIs and rehab. Which is great if your Pete Doherty but for the normal guy its The reason i'm writing this is because im shocked; how someone could look so cute and sexy, turn 20 and look so.....average. Or maybe i'm just pissed she turned gay!!
Well that's all from me.

Rant over.x

The Curse of the Strangly Attractive Women

Chris' Strangly Attractive Women- Top 7. Why 7?? Cuz i can.

7. Tia Leoni- I'm not sure if she's just hot or its me. In Bad Boys she's worth a look!

6. Gillian Anderson- Sat here watching X-files its dire and thinking i don't know why, but i would! Another red-head, dont hate.

5. K.T. Tunstall- Not ugly, but certainly not overly attractive. The raspy voice takes her to a whole new level.

4. Pink- She has the body of a male swimmer, yet there’s something about her that keeps everyone coming back for more. Including me!

3. Maggie Gyllenhaal- Got a bit of a snaggle tooth, and is an average actress, but has a rich family..Chac-hing!!

2. Missi Pyle- The uggo from dodgeball, looks hot in Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay. And has a "letter-box" mouth. Guy's you know what im talking

1. Uma Thurman- Seen kill bill a million times, huge boobs, MILF, nuff said.

Monday 4 January 2010

Attention im not getting paid for showing this!!

Now xmas is over and all the fragrance adverts have stopped, here's Sienna Miller in the Hugo Boss advert. So hot! I (Chris) sky+'d that shit!! jokes, im not that weird.

Wtf is up with Charlie Sheen???

I (Chris) am a huge fan of Charlie Sheen, he stars in Platoon; one of my all time favourite films. He is also in Two and Half Men, which, when you're bored and theres nothing else on, can be very entertaining. With over 60 movies under his belt, earning a large sum for each, and the amount of beautiful women he has swarming around him, i ask this simple question. Is this guy fucking mental??????

Answer: Maybe Not.. Guys, you know what its like, you ring the girlfriend/wife ask to meet at a restaurant; normally expensive. You order some wine, you pay for the food, then those dreaded words spew from your mouth, "we have to talk". I believe the easier, cheaper and quicker solution to the problem is to do what i like to call a "Mr Sheen", pull out the sharpest object in your vicinity and threaten to kill the bitch!

On the other hand, take a look at the list of his ex's: Donna Peele, Denise Richards, and his current wife Brooke Mueller, who's recently filed for divorce, all of which are SMOKING HOT!! What's wrong with the man??? With four children from 2 different women, none of which he has any responsibility towards, 44 years of age and soon to be single, i'll let you ponder this; my second question of the post. Is the man Genius or Heinous?

Babe of the Week- Penélope Cruz

Ok people, the musical-romantic film Nine was released on Christmas day!I jumped for joy - not. Being a musical I immediatly discarded it from my choice of viewing, then I took a glance at the cast. Penélope Cruz who James is slightly addicted to at the moment and Kate Hudson which I have a wierd addiction to (I will literally watch any old shit she's in, and she's in ALOT of shit) So as its James' go this week heres a pic of Our Babe of the Week. p.s havnt seen Nine yet, its probably crap.

Arshavin at Anfield

Im not the biggest fan of Arsenal, but i frickin love Back to the Future!!


I was possibly the last person in the world to watch Avatar, due to the fact that I don't venture to the cinema very often, the reason being it costs so bloody much and there's always a nutter sat at least 2 meters away from you! What made me go to see this movie wasn't the supposed "awesome CGI", "the blues brothers 3d glasses you get for free" or the "smoking hot blue alien" it was the plain and simple reason...I was bored. But, and I'm talking Beyonce sized , the CGI WAS insanely good, I nabbed 2 sets of the 3D glasses! and the blue alien played by our "Babe of the Week" Zoe Saldana WAS smoking hot, in a weird, non-nerdy kind of way. The movie had everything; Great characters; like the ballsy, aging Colonel with no morals played by Stephen Lang and the no-nonsense, caring scientist played by Sigourney Weaver each fighting their own battle on the same planet. Gorgeous CGI, the CGI in this film is the best I've seen in a while. I recently watched Transformers 2 on Bluray, and Avatar made it look like its original 80's cartoon. The detail of the facial features and the surrounding wildlife was incredible, plus the added 3D effect made you feel part of the film, until the lady a few rows across needed a toilet break. I very rarely get excited about a film, and have never contemplated reviewing one, but Avatar got my giblets tingling, the weird sex/whatever the hell they were doing scene helped a little I must admit. I would say if you haven't seen it, it is definitely worth the heavy investment, but as i was the last to do so, i'll just say this. Well done James Cameron, you crazy mofo.

Babe of the Week- Zoe Saldana

Well you wouldn't nail a blue alien! would you?

Hello People of the Internet!

Hello people of the internet! That I realise being pretty much everybody, except your average bloke who thinks it'll be the end of us and the world and refuses to come outside of his mum's house. Anyway yes me (James) and my so say associate (Chris) are doing this because we are bored, not however because I am an idiot, I my fellow people am a genius, Xbox Live just disagrees with me ;) We will be bringing you a lot of entertainment very shortly so until then sit back and watch the magic! It being magic purely because I am pulling this out of thin air (my ass)!

Hey Net Junkies!!

Hi, me (Chris) and my young protégé James have been bored as hell due to his xboxlive being banned. The reason for this, we won't divulge, all im saying is "hes an idiot". Anyway we've tried pretty much everything except blogging and if PhilliD can do it, we sure as hell can!!!!