Monday 4 January 2010


I was possibly the last person in the world to watch Avatar, due to the fact that I don't venture to the cinema very often, the reason being it costs so bloody much and there's always a nutter sat at least 2 meters away from you! What made me go to see this movie wasn't the supposed "awesome CGI", "the blues brothers 3d glasses you get for free" or the "smoking hot blue alien" it was the plain and simple reason...I was bored. But, and I'm talking Beyonce sized , the CGI WAS insanely good, I nabbed 2 sets of the 3D glasses! and the blue alien played by our "Babe of the Week" Zoe Saldana WAS smoking hot, in a weird, non-nerdy kind of way. The movie had everything; Great characters; like the ballsy, aging Colonel with no morals played by Stephen Lang and the no-nonsense, caring scientist played by Sigourney Weaver each fighting their own battle on the same planet. Gorgeous CGI, the CGI in this film is the best I've seen in a while. I recently watched Transformers 2 on Bluray, and Avatar made it look like its original 80's cartoon. The detail of the facial features and the surrounding wildlife was incredible, plus the added 3D effect made you feel part of the film, until the lady a few rows across needed a toilet break. I very rarely get excited about a film, and have never contemplated reviewing one, but Avatar got my giblets tingling, the weird sex/whatever the hell they were doing scene helped a little I must admit. I would say if you haven't seen it, it is definitely worth the heavy investment, but as i was the last to do so, i'll just say this. Well done James Cameron, you crazy mofo.

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